Thursday, October 19, 2006

"live at OT301" on Carbon Records

carbon records from Rochester, NY (USA) released a recording of one of my live performances from 2006 (OT301, Amsterdam) on cdr:

"microsonic transmissions from a small insect walking across a large plant, or a small being wandering across a large planet or a distant factory churning out goods. this release entices you to listen more and more closely to the sounds its exposing. [3" cdr in various mini cases/sleeves with full color insert, spray-painting, etc]"
(from the carbon records website)

"Crusades" on Krakilsk

Krakilsk from Trondheim (Norway) released a recording of one of my live performances from 2005 (Kruis Expo, Eindhoven) on cdr:

"From The Netherlands hails Staplerfahrer, whose 'Crusades' was recorded in an abandoned and squatted church that was to be evicted and make space for office buildings. Despite Staplerfahrer's concert, the evication went ahead. Since some years active behind his laptop, Staplerfahrer has grown quite a lot since then his early days. Away from the simple, straight forward rhythm and noise, he plays here a piece of what I assume to be an all improvised set of music, which make a fine combination of vaguely humming drones (organs? processed guitar sounds?) and scratchy rhythms and a bit of noise. Quite a nice combination of sorts, displaying a wide interest in sound processing."
(Frans de Waard in Vital Weekly 548)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"Grannittin" at esc.rec.

esc.rec. from Deventer (Netherlands) released a compilation featuring staplerfahrer:

"The launch of Esc Rec brought us some years ago a most odd double compilation CDR called 'J'ee-haw' (see Vital Weekly 387), based around the call 'j'ee-haw', now they return with something likewise odd. Robert Witt did a performance in which the sound of knitting was fed through a bunch of plug ins and granular synthesis and that became the basis of this double compilation, of course neatly packed in a knitted sock. Many of the remixers take one knit from the performance, and create a loop and tons of variations around that to built a piece of music that is highly techno related, with Radboud Mens as the most commercial actor on the scene. His piece is thick, fat and highly minimal and highly danceable. Phako, Xaf, slo-fi, Timvankessel, Goem all to the same. The odd balls here are those who create a non-linear piece, such as the careful deconstruction by Staplerfahrer, Robert Witt's own ambient variations and Jos Smolders outing in the field of musique concrete and Igor Krutogolov (the only non Dutch musician as far as I can judge) doing a bit of rhythm and noise. Transfolmer is the only one who adds another instrument: a quite horrible guitar solo. Also present are Marius, Gluid, Toxic Chicken, Lukas Simonis and Maga."
(Frans de Waard in Vital Weekly 545)

Monday, October 02, 2006

NuMusic report at OOR website

Norway was great... I wrote a little report of my days at the NuMusic festival... the article is published at the OOR website and you can read it over here...